Puck Headlines: Martin introduced, Babcock misspeaks

Here are your Evening Puck Headlines: A glorious collection of news and views collected from the greatest blogosphere in sports and the few, the proud, the mainstream hockey media.

-That's new Montreal Canadiens head coach Jacques Martin promising general manager Bob Gainey that he won't muck things up like he did in Florida. [AP]

-Babcock on that "head-hunting" comment he made about Sidney Crosby after Game One: "So I misspoke or I didn't speak well, because, to me, speaking unfairly about Sidney Crosby would be wrong. He's going after Z [Henrik Zetterberg], and Z's going after him. I think it's a great thing. But I wanted to clear that up because that sure wasn't my intent at all. And it's an unfair comment on a classy player who plays hard." All cleared, sir. [ESPN]

-Kris Draper is healthy, but out of fear of tinkering with what's been working, Mike Babcock might elect to keep him out. [Freep]

-Fun fact (or not so fun if you're a Pens fan) from the NHL: "33 -- Times that a team has won the first two games of the Stanley Cup Final, including Detroit against Pittsburgh in each of the last two springs. Of the previous 32, only the 1971 Chicago Blackhawks failed to win the Stanley Cup." The team that came back? The Montreal Canadiens. So, you're telling me there's a chance?

-The Hockey News' Adam Proteau follow up what Wysh wrote this morning and adds his .02 cents in the "NHL discipline is a joke" discussion. [THN]

-Its 30th birthday may be coming up, but Joe Louis Arena is keeping pace with some of the newer arenas around the NHL. [Detroit News]

-Potential No. 1 pick Victor Hedman and possible 2010 No. 1 pick Taylor Hall were selected in today's Kontinental Hockey League draft. John Tavares? He was passed over because he prefers his pizza New York-style, not Kiev-style. [CBC]

-The science of the wrist shot. [Live Science] h/t to Kukla

-Martin Havlat, not "Martin Havlat" hints on his Twitter page that he could be staying in Chicago.

-One of many mock drafts we'll be seeing over the next few weeks. Could the Islanders really not select John Tavares? [Western College Hockey]

-...and what if JT should fall into the Tampa Bay Lightning's lap? RawCharge takes a look at three different scenarios should that occur.

-In case you missed Don Cherry's pink number from last night, toss on your Oakley's....now:

-Here's one way to piss off your fanbase in this economy: Raise ticket prices. Bravo New York Rangers. [From the Rink]

-Happy 1st Birthday to Stanley Cup of Chowder. Their terrible two's will be something to watch. [SCoC]

-Mike Brophy spent his time last week on the FAN590 in Toronto talking about he texts with Chris Pronger and Chris Osgood.. No surprise then that Broph backs Ozzie in the Penguins-Red Wings net minder debate: "Osgood is a winner; Fleury is a project. Osgood makes saves when his team needs him most; Fleury allows goals when his team desperately needs a big save. You would be hard-pressed to convince me the Penguins have faith in their stopper now no matter what they say." [Sportsnet]

-Donny does a great job breaking down the Florida Panthers current situation, now that they're left without a head coach and general manager. I'd imagine this thought process is running through the heads of Panthers fans: "What's that? Draft is in three weeks? We need to sign Jay Boumeester? Yikes!" [Litter Box Cats]

-Finally, Sarah Spain might have some competition. Here's Nicole Lafosse breaking down the first two games of the Stanley Cup:

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