
LISTEN: On Friar Podcast – What We Learned in 2020 With Bob Scanlan

Scan reflects on the strange season, and the new challenges they faced broadcasting games.

Padres Field Reporter Bob Scanlan shares his takeaways on baseball and broadcasting from the 2020 season.

He describes the adjustments they made on the TV side, and the challenges of covering a team and building relationships without face-to-face interaction. The former big leaguer explains why certain players struggled without fans, and how empty stadiums ushered in acceptance of bat flips and personality. Scan also shared his thoughts on the Padres' breakthrough season and the future of the starting rotation.

LISTEN: With NBC 7 San Diego's Darnay Tripp and Derek Togerson behind the mic, On Friar will cover all things San Diego Padres. Interviews, analysis, behind-the-scenes...the ups, downs, and everything in between. Tap here to find On Friar wherever you listen to podcasts. 

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