
A Magnet for Positivity, Literally

One man in Hermosa Beach is doing his best to attract positivity. Jonathan Gonzalez report for NBC4 News at 11 p.m. on Jan. 27, 2019.

In a world bursting with negativity, one man in Hermosa Beach is doing his part to add balance by attracting positivity.

"I noticed a lot of negativity in the world right now," Court Crandall says. "To counteract that, I wanted to do something positive."

Crandall adds, "I thought, 'What better way than creating a magnet.'"

Crandall wanted to literally and figuratively attract positivity.

"People could write the positive thing they want to bring into their life or the life of a loved one," he says.

The magnet has attracted a field of positivity. Notes that people write and leave behind, such as, "Love yourself," and "I want you to smile."

"Health, happiness, a new romance, whatever it may be," Crandall says. "Then, just slap it on the positivity magnet and kind of put it out for the universe." 

And the universe has caught on. 

He adds, "It's definitely one of those build it and they will come kinda things, I've noticed."

People with different stories stop by the magnet, but all leave with the same goal: positivity.

"I just had a sense that it would resonate with people, and it does seem to whether they're young, old, whatever nationality, whatever background," Crandall says.

He says he wants to take bring the positivity magnet and its message around Southern California to different events and share it with different people.

He's hoping to spread positivity to anyone looking for light amid any darkness.

"I think we respond to positive messages," he says. "I'm just a big believer in channeling what the universe needs, and right now, it felt like it needed this."

To connect with the Positivity Magnet, you can find more on Facebook and Instagram.

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