Fourth of July

Helpful Tips For a Safe Fourth of July Road Trip

This weekend is considered one of the most dangerous on the roads and many people will travel by road, but not everyone takes the necessary measures to be safe.

NBC Universal, Inc.

The Fourth of July holiday weekend travel rush kicks into high gear Friday. Millions of Americans are taking a trip, and for most of them, it will be a road trip. Mekahlo Medina reports for Today in LA on July 2, 2021.

For many, Thursday kicked off the Fourth of July holiday weekend, and it is also the national week dedicated to tire safety, the perfect time to take certain measures that could save the lives of you and your family.

This weekend is considered one of the most dangerous on the roads and many people will travel by road, but not everyone takes the necessary measures to be safe.

During the Fourth of July weekend last year, 481 people died in traffic accidents, according to figures from the National Security Council, and this year about 2.8 million people are expected to travel by car, an increase of 46% compared to 2020, so the danger could be even greater.

If you are going to travel by land, Here are some safety tips. First of all:

  • Reduce or limit distractions behind the wheel;
  • Avoid eating, using your cell phone, or serving children or pets while driving. If someone requires attention, first stop the vehicle in a safe place;
  • Keep the distance between your vehicle and the one in front of you. Something very important because this will give you the necessary time to react in the event of a mishap;
  • Remember, drive defensively, and check your rearview mirrors often, and be aware of your surroundings. If you detect that a driver is driving erratically, slow down, stop, or pull off the road;
  • Before going for a walk, always check your car and identify if there is any damage, either in the body, the headlights, or the engine, and also check if it emits any strange odor;
  • Don't forget the tires. The correct air level is in your vehicle's manual, or on the inside of your door;
  • If your tires are worn, change them, taking into account the climate of the place you are going to travel to, and;
  • Remember that if you need help with a mechanical problem on the road, you can dial 511, where they will help you from getting a flat tire to problems with the radiator, or the hoses, and they can even provide you with a gallon of gasoline, or tow it to a safe place, off the road.

Now, enjoy the ride, and happy Fourth of July!

It does not hurt to take your car for a complete mechanical overhaul before traveling, especially if you have not used it as much during the last year due to the pandemic.

Remember, when it comes to keeping your family safe, that's a worthwhile investment.

This story first appeared on NBCLA's sister station, Telemundo 52. Haz clic aquí para leer esta historia en español.

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