Los Angeles

Governor Says Barbershops, Hair and Nail Salons Can Serve Customers Outdoors

The governor released new guidelines Monday for the 30 counties on the watch list, including LA, Orange, and Riverside.

NBC Universal, Inc.

As officials announce that Los Angeles reopened too quickly and may be on the brink of new shutdown orders, the governor of California Monday clarified guidelines for barbershops and hair salons regarding outdoor services in counties on the watch list.

Monday, Gov. Gavin Newsom and the state's coronavirus site released guidelines for personal care services for counties including Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Ventura, and Riverside.

Hair salons, skin care businesses, nail salons and massage parlors were allowed to provide services outdoors, the governor said.

The announcement also clarified that services that must be done in a hygienic environment, like getting tattoos, piercings, or electrolysis, would not be allowed to offer outdoor services.

As long as hair salons provide a tent and shelter from the sun, outdoor operations can resume, provided there is "sufficient outdoor air movement."

If the service requires being indoors, it is not allowed, the state's site says.

Face masks are still required as well.

Equipment must also be cleaned before customers arrived, and in between customers, in addition to wiping down credit card machines and frequently touched surfaces.

Read more here for hair salons.

Coronavirus Hospital Use Projections Across the Country

This interactive chart uses model data provided by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation to predict how the coronavirus will affect health care resources in different states. In states such as Florida and California, hospital bed use is projected to continue to grow into September and October. Most states have enough general hospital and ICU beds to meet demand, according to additional data from The Associated Press.

Sources: State hospital bed capacity data from the Associated Press. Model data provided by IHME. Note: The model assumes mask use continues at currently observed rates and the gradual easing of social distancing mandates continues. It also assumes the mandate would be re-imposed for six weeks if daily deaths reach 8 per million.
Credit: Amy Oโ€™Kruk/NBC

Here is the state's guide on other personal services.

Learn more about all industries here.

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