San Diego

Woman confronts intruder who started stripping in her Point Loma home

Police are still searching for the suspect, who slipped out of the home just as police arrived

NBC Universal, Inc.

NBC 7’s Kelvin Henry spoke with the woman about what she did when face-to-face with an alleged intruder who later started removing his clothes.

A Point Loma family is shaken after a man entered their home early Saturday "looking for friends" before he started removing his clothes and asking for Bibles.

The incident happened on Bangor Street at about 4 a.m., according to the woman who confronted the intruder. She only wanted to be identified as Carol for fear of her family's safety.

“He came through the sliding glass door. He opened it up and he walked in, and I said, 'I’m sorry, but you cannot stay in here,'” The homeowner Carol said. "He said, 'I am looking for friends' and he kept saying that he lost them and he’s trying to find them."

The suspect asked rambling questions and made random requests, according to Carol.

“I just kept saying you need to leave now but he wasn’t leaving and then he kept saying, 'Oh, can I have a Bible?” Carol said.

She said she periodically left the room the suspect was sitting in to get the suspect more Bibles. Things took a turn when she returned and the suspect began revealing himself, according to Carol.

“When I went back in again, he had taken off part of his clothes so then I knew, this is getting very serious and very odd,” Carol said.

Police were called and arrived moments later, according to Carol.

“At that point, they made an announcement into the house about they’re coming in and somehow he slipped out so now of course they’re trying to find him,” Carol said.

Police continue their search for the suspect. A neighbor captured the man on surveillance video but it is not clear if it will aid police in their search.

Carol was appreciative of the swift action from police and is thankful things did not end badly for her or her 92-year-old mother, who lives with her.

"It was just miraculous that nothing happened and he was sitting in my (late) husband’s seat -- that seemed to calm him because that’s where Dan had always prayed. So it was like a gift from heaven that that happened and we were able to get the police here before anything unhappy would happen."

Anyone with information regarding this incident is being asked to call SDPD or Crime Stoppers.

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