Win a Date With a Firefighter

Has it been a rough week already? What if we said you could plan a fun Wednesday night out with your friends and possibly end up with a date with a hot firefighter?

About 20 San Diego bachelors, specifically FIREFIGHTERS, are going up on the auction block Wednesday night at Rock Bottom in La Jolla.

The 14th Annual Fire Fighter Bachelor Auction & Fire Chief Ale celebration offers a lot more than just eye candy. Limo bus gift certificate, a private brewery tour and packages from the Zoo and the Birch Aquarium will be auctioned off with all the proceeds going to a really good cause -- the UCSD Burn Center.

Through donations, the UCSD Burn Center continues its research for better burn care, provides housing for family members at the Bannister House, and support to family and friends of burn victims. The dedicated staff participates in community outreach programs in addition to volunteering their time to "Camp beyond the Scars," a camp for children who are burn victims.

Cory Beckwith, a member of San Diego’s Station 35, Vice President of the Firemen's Union and not single, is helping organize the event.

"Most are San Diego City firefighters but we did open it up to county firefighters as well," said Beckwith who admitted it was a little difficult to get guys to agree to the auction but knows that once they realize the cause benefitting from the fundraiser, he expects more firefighters to get involved.

NBCSanDiego’s friend Barbarella will be the auctioneer so you know it’ll be a good time.

The auction begins at 6 p.m., and will be held at Rock Bottom La Jolla at 8980 Villa La Jolla Dr. La Jolla, CA 92037.

If you can’t make it Wednesday, you can still help the cause. The restaurant will be donating .25 from every pint of the Fire Chief Ale sold through April 4.

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