Tuesday, Feb.11
3:15 p.m.: With Joe Biden off for South Carolina, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren said "I think it says that he's not here to fight for the votes in New Hampshire."
2:33 p.m.: Elizabeth Warren is congregating with voters in Nashua, passing out donuts to her supporters.
12:11 p.m.: Vermin Supreme, a well-known character in the New Hampshire political scene, makes an appearance on primary day.
Tulsi Gabbard, greeting supporters, said she was the best candidate to defeat President Trump in the general election.
10:44 a.m. Joe Biden struck a positive note in a 1-on-1 interview with reporter Abby Niezgoda, saying: "We're just getting started."
9:08 a.m.: At Bedford High School, Katrina Pierson, a surrogate for President Donald Trump, greets a Trump supporter outside the polling place.

8:13 a.m.: Two former Massachusetts governors meet outside a polling location in Manchester.
8 a.m.: Amy Klobuchar shares a laugh with her daughter Abigail after greeting supporters at the Webster School in Manchester.

7:45 a.m.: Amy Klobuchar arrived to greet supporters in Manchester.
7:10 a.m. Pete Buttigieg said he was feeling good as he arrived to greet voters in Manchester early Tuesday.
Monday, Feb. 10
7 p.m.: At Joe Biden’s final campaign rally before the first-in-the-nation primary, his wife Dr. Jill Biden helped bounce out a heckler, much to the surprise of her staff.
“You shouldn’t get up child,” Biden told his wife after the person was removed.
“I’m fighting for you Joe,” she said, as she made boxing motions with her fists in the air.
“I know you do,” he responded.
5 p.m.: President Donald Trump began his journey to New Hampshire, where he'll hold a rally in front of an eager crowd, in the rain at 4:31, when he left the White House and flew via helicopter to Air Force One.
3:15 p.m.: Vice President Mike Pence was addressing a "Cops for Trump" event in Portsmouth when protesters stood up and starting yelling him down. They were escorted from the venue to boos from the crowd.
2 p.m.: Just passed the "Amy for America" bus on Rt 101 in Auburn, en route to its next stop on the campaign trail. These candidate buses have been putting in a lot of miles over the past week in New Hampshire!
– Jack Thurston

1:55 p.m.: Vice President Mike Pence and Ivanka Trump greeted voters at the Roundabout Diner and Lounge in Portsmouth ahead of President Trump's rally in Manchester slated for 7 p.m.
1 p.m.: Joe Biden spoke to voters in Gilford, New Hampshire, at his first event of the day Monday. The former vice president's speech was focused on dismantling President Donald Trump's economy argument ahead of Trump's rally in New Hampshire later Monday night.
"Trump has the economic headwinds at his back this election, stronger than any president seeking re-election in a century. It's going to make him that much harder to beat. But guess where he got that good economy from? The Obama-Biden administration," Biden said.
Biden went on to tell the crowd Trump has asked the nation to trade in its character for cash.
"It's a false choice being forced on us by a phony," he said. – Abbey Niezgoda

11:45 a.m.: Bernie Sanders took the stage at his first event of the day. He told the crowd that he has the strongest campaign to defeat President Trump. Sanders, the front-runner, took a veiled swipe at closest competitor, Pete Buttigieg.
"Unlike some of my opponents I don’t have contributions from the CEOs of pharmaceutical industry, from Wall Street tycoons," Sanders said. –Jeff Saperstone

9:45 a.m.: Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, the cofounders of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, were at Monday mornings Bernie Sanders rally. They are no longer with the company they founded, so they are spending their days campaigning across New Hampshire. Greenfield told NBC10 Boston that he is confident about Sanders’ chances tomorrow. –Jeff Saperstone

8:55 a.m.: It’s just before 9 a.m. on the day before the New Hampshire primary. We are in Manchester at the first stop for Bernie Sanders.
He’s still holding steady in the top spot in several polls. This is one of at least three stops for him today. –Jeff Saperstone

Sunday, Feb. 9
4 p.m.: Though she's spent the last year behind the front-runners, Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar has enjoyed a burst of momentum in the last few days thanks to a strong debate performance and infusion of cash. At a rally at Southern New Hampshire University in Manchester on Sunday, her campaign initially set up about 250 chairs, then removed them to make room for a room-capacity crowd of more than 700. Klobuchar said there's no doubt she's surging in New Hampshire.
1 p.m.: At a town hall in Hampton, a bizarre comment from Joe Biden to a college student made headlines. The student asked the former Vice President to explain his disappointing performance in Iowa. Biden responded by asking her if she had ever been to a caucus.
When the student told him she had been to a caucus, Biden said, “No, you haven’t. You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier.”
Madison Moore told NBC10 Boston that Biden was right about her never having been to a caucus, but she was caught off guard by his joke.
“It was a little awkward being called a liar in a big town hall. He’s right I haven’t been to a caucus, but I caved in the moment,” Moore said.
Moore is not a registered voter in New Hampshire. She is visiting from a university in Georgia, but said she does not support Biden as a candidate at this time.
“I just don’t see the momentum. I don’t see the energy in his campaign,” she said.
12:40 p.m.: Pete Buttigieg is making the first of several planned stops in Nashua on Sunday. A new poll shows him in a statistical dead heat with Bernie Sanders with two days to go until the New Hampshire Primary.
12:30 p.m.: Tom Steyer has announced that he will skip New Hampshire primary night to campaign in Nevada. The moves comes as he makes a push to play for the more diverse states early on.
Steyer spent the last five days in New Hampshire, but leaves for South Carolina today.
12 p.m. Vice President Joe Biden is in Hampton, New Hampshire at the first of two Get Out the Vote events he is set to host.
He talked about the many people he met in the Granite State, including those experiencing homelessness, extreme hunger and survivors of domestic abuse. "The president doesn't have an ounce of empathy in his body," he said.

Saturday, Feb. 8
10:30 p.m.: Senator Amy Klobuchar tells the crowd she’s won every election she’s been in back to 4th grade.

9 p.m.: “He doesn’t have a shred of decency,” Biden says about Trump while speaking to crowd at the McIntyre Shaheen 100 Club Dinner.

7 p.m.: Hundreds of New Hampshire Democrats are gathering at the SNHU Arena in Manchester for an annual dinner. Most of the presidential candidates will be addressing the crowd at the McIntyre Shaheen 100 Club Dinner.

12:30 p.m.: Joe Biden walks into applause in Manchester and greets a boy in the front row. The child hands the former vice president some artwork he drew and says his name is Beau.
Biden says, "Hey Beau! I have a Beau. B-E-A-U, Beau, right?"
The child nods.

12 p.m. The Joe Biden Campaign releases an advertisement that targets opponent Pete Buttigieg. The ad compares the mayor of South Bend, Indiana's lack of experience with national and international issues, such as the recession and nuclear deals with Iran. It pokes fun of the smaller things a mayor deals with, such as lighting in parks, and the revitalization of sidewalks.
The ad also mentions Buttigieg's complicated history with the African-American community in South Bend.
Friday, Feb. 7
8 p.m.: NBC 10 Boston was invited on board Joe Biden's campaign bus Friday for a one-on-one interview with the candidate. The former vice president and Democratic presidential hopeful was honest about his chances in the Granite State, but said he will fight for the nomination.
"I hope we do well here. I'm going to work like the devil, but I think I have to characterize myself as an underdog," Biden said.

After a fourth-place finish in Iowa, the candidate said he is confident he can turn things around in other states like South Carolina and Nevada. He said he spent time off the trail off this week to be with family, but he plans to be in New Hampshire from now until Tuesday's primary.
"No matter if I come in first, second, or third or fourth, whatever it is, I'm in a position where I'm running for the same reason," Biden said. "I want to make sure we restore the soul of this country and make sure we get rid of this president. I think nationally, I'm best equipped to be able to do that, but that's for the voters decide. We're just getting started." - Abbey Niezgoda
12:45 p.m.: Olympic figure skater Michelle Kwan arrives in New Hampshire Friday to stump for Joe Biden. She greeted voters at the Bridge Cafe in Manchester, telling them she believes the candidate will have a strong showing in the Granite State despite the gut punch in Iowa.

11:40 a.m.: Chanting "four more years," supporters of President Donald Trump gathered outside Manchester City Hall in the rain Friday morning. They were rallying just hours before seven Democratic candidates were set to take the stage in their final debate before the primary on Tuesday.
One Trump supporter told us, “The best for him (President Trump) to win against would probably be Joe Biden. I think he would make it look easy.”
Matt Mowers, who worked on Trump’s campaign in 2016, believes the president is in a good position in New Hampshire.
“I think this year he’s in great shape,” Mowers said. “I think people really respect what he’s doing on the economy.”
The President will be in New Hampshire for a rally on Monday night.
–Jeff Saperstone

10: a.m.: Yes, they serve eggs for breakfast at the “Politics and Eggs” series at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics on the campus of Saint Anselm College. But they also decorate the tables at the event with these wooden eggs! Candidate Bernie Sanders is speaking this morning. –Jack Thurston

Thursday, Feb. 6
6:30 p.m.: The Republican field tends to get overlooked this year in New Hampshire as President Donald Trump is the overwhelming favorite to win, but he’s trying to still get his message out to New Hampshire voters ahead of the primary through an event with Vice President Mike Pence's wife, Karen Pence.
1:40 p.m.: Bernie Sanders declared victory in the Iowa caucuses Thursday. Sanders noted that he and rival Pete Buttigieg earned the same number of convention delegates from Iowa, but said he expects his campaign drew 6,000 more popular votes—making him the clear winner.
The move follows several days of Buttigieg claiming he emerged from Iowa victorious, especially considering where his campaign started.
— Jack Thurston

12:30 p.m.: Dr. Jill Biden arrived in New Hampshire Thursday for a full day of campaigning for her husband. Her first stop was Bridge Cafe in Manchester, where she met with voters and ordered a salad for lunch.

There, she also had a conversation with a veteran who seemed on the fence about voting at all in the primary. “I really hope you do vote," she said. "Really, you must vote." She was joined at the cafe by former New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch.

We also spoke 1-on-1 with Jill Biden, who said, "It's imperative that we win." She said the acquittal of President Donald Trump only motivates she and her husband even more.
— Abbey Niezgoda

11:15 a.m.: In a one on one interview with NBC10 Boston, Tom Steyer talked about his chances in Tuesday’s New Hampshire Primary.
Asked where he saw himself coming out of Tuesday and what would be a good result for him, Steyer replied, “I think beating expectations is a good result. We’re moving up and we will continue to move up.”
Recent polls in New Hampshire have Steyer in the single digits.
He told us he’s feeling confident about his chances in South Carolina and Nevada, states he says have a more diverse voter base.
“For us, we are going to have to do really well there, we’re going to have to come in first or second to prove we have this coalition," he said.
— Jeff Saperstone
8:45 a.m.: We caught up with Tom Steyer this morning outside a UPS facility in Manchester.

He was with Teamsters Local 633 shaking hands in the sleet and snow. Even though he only received less than 1 percent of the vote in Iowa and is polling in the single digits in New Hampshire, he tells us plans to go the distance.
On impeachment and the subsequent acquittal of President Trump, Steyer, who was one of the first to call for impeachment, says he doesn’t regret it.
— Jeff Saperstone
Wednesday, Feb. 5
6:05 p.m.: Presidential candidate Tom Steyer spoke to a crowd right now at a Manchester brewery. He said despite his wealth, he's not a "fancy person from Mar-a-Lago."

"He's a big fat liar," Steyer said of Trump. "I can beat him on the economy."
Steyer added that climate issue is his number one priority.
— Michael Rosenfield
4:45 p.m.: NBC10 Boston caught up with Joe Biden in the lobby of the DoubleTree Manchester on Wednesday afternoon. But he didn't have much — or actually, anything — to say.
We followed him from the elevator, through a revolving door, all the way to his car, but he didn't answer any of our questions.
"Mr. Vice President, can we get a quick word?" Brian Shactman asked him.
"No," Biden responded.
He just shook Shactman's hand, smiled, and kept on walking.

4:30 p.m.: There are some things that you'll only ever experience if you're in New Hampshire during primary season.
On Wednesday, Naomi Greenfield of Arlington, Massachusetts, attended a campaign event for Elizabeth Warren at Nashua Community College.
During the event, she showed Warren a balloon sculpture she made of her.
You have to see it to believe it:

3:45 p.m.: Eight candidates for president will be appearing at televised CNN town hall events over the next two days in New Hampshire, but not Rep. Tusli Gabbard. The Hawaiian's supporters protested the decision outside the venue, and she was briefly expected to show up. But ultimately, she didn't.
2 p.m.: With partial results putting Pete Buttigieg in the lead in Iowa, we sat down with him to talk about his rise from an unlikely candidate to a top contender in 2020.
The 38-year-old calls his success “astonishing,” but believes it shows his message of unity is what the country wants and needs. More from the interview on the evening news tonight.

1:30 p.m.: NBC10 Boston spoke one-on-one with Sen. Amy Klobuchar before she flew back to Washington D.C. for the impeachment trial, telling us she will vote to convict. Speaking after a youth climate town hall in Concord, where she took questions from students, The Minnesotan also told us that she is very pleased with her numbers in Iowa.
“I come out of there with a firm position, very close numbers to the Vice President,” she said.
Asked about the State of the Union and the non-handshake between President Donald Trump and Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Pelosi's rip heard round the world, the senator claimed she didn’t see it happen and went on to say about the president, “I think he motivates people in many ways because of his caustic ways and how he acts and the fact that he didn’t even shake her hand.”
–Jeff Saperstone
1 p.m.: The life of a candidate trying to eke out a win in New Hampshire is busy, but apparently not too busy for selfies! (Sen. Elizabeth Warren's campaign trademark has been closing out rallies with hourslong selfie lines.)
12:30 p.m.: Joe Biden was greeted with cheers by supporters in Somersworth, where hosted a get-out-the-vote event. The candidate had no comment when NBC10 Boston asked him if he’s confident he can revive his campaign in the Granite State, but he did make a startling admission in reference to the Iowa caucus results, which have him in fourth with roughly 70% of precincts reporting.
But Biden vowed to stay in the race, taking shots at campaign rivals Sen. Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg, as well as President Donald Trump's State of the Union address.
11:40 a.m.: At a town hall meeting in Derry on Wednesday morning, Bernie Sanders said he would be the “exact opposite” of President Donald Trump, promising to work to unify a divided nation. Sanders said he believes addressing wealth inequality and the influence of money on democracy should be issues that bring Americans together.
Later in the day, he’ll vote in the U.S. Senate to remove President Trump from office, but he knows the numbers aren’t on his side in the Senate.
— Jack Thurston

9:30 a.m.: Some of the top tier candidates took the stage this morning in Concord. Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg were the first two to speak at the New Hampshire Youth Climate and Clean Energy Town Hall. It was a packed house.
Klobuchar told the audience that when it comes to fixing climate change, “this is our moment.” Buttigieg said the carbon emergency has reached “crisis proportions.”
— Jeff Saperstone
9:20 a.m.: Just saw a cleaning crew spiffing up Joe Biden's "Soul of the Nation" bus on Wednesday morning, and a staffer checking the snacks on board ahead of a day of campaigning in New Hampshire, including a stop in Somersworth.
— Jack Thurston

Tuesday, Feb. 24
9:05 p.m.: At a campaign rally Tuesday night in Milford, Bernie Sanders addressed the partial results from Monday’s Iowa caucuses.
"We received more votes on the first and second round than any other candidate," Sanders said. "For some reason, in Iowa, they're having a little bit of trouble counting votes. But I am confident here in New Hampshire, they'll be able to count your votes on election night."
— Jack Thurston
7:45 p.m.: Pete Buttigieg didn't shy away from the good, though early, news for his campaign out of Iowa while he campaigned in New Hampshire Tuesday evening.
With 62% of precincts counted, Buttigieg holds a slender lead in the Iowa caucuses, trailed by Sanders, Warren and Biden — though the results may yet change.
The fact that there's been no clear winner in Iowa may turn up the heat on the New Hampshire primary, according to NBC News political director Chuck Todd
1:12 p.m.: Minutes into Joe Biden’s event in Nashua, he is heckled by a man screaming about the allegations of inappropriate touching made against Biden in the past. The man shouts things like, “How can you talk about character?” and “You will never be President!” Biden supporters yell back. After he’s escorted out, Biden tells the crowd, “we’re so much better than that.”
–Abbey Niezgoda
12:54 p.m.: Symone Sanders, senior adviser for the Joe Biden campaign, addresses the media in New Hampshire about the caucus confusion in Iowa. She said the campaign is questioning the legitimacy of the process and sent a strongly worded letter to the Iowa Democratic Party.
–Abbey Niezgoda
12:30 p.m.: A week before the New Hampshire primary, many Granite State voters said they are still undecided. First in line at a Joe Biden event Tuesday, Kim Klomers of Merrimack, said she is still not sure if she will vote for the former Vice President and his performance in the Iowa caucus made her even more nervous. Listen to how she plans to spend her time before casting her ballot in the first in the nation primary.
–Abbey Niezgoda
11:55 a.m.: Former Vice President Joe Biden is gearing up for his first event of the day in Nashua. He also has an event scheduled in Concord on Tuesday night.
11:30 a.m.: NBC10 Boston's Caroline Connolly is with the Pete Buttigieg campaign in New Hampshire. She caught up with one supporter who brought her husband along with her to an event in the hope that she can convince him to vote for the South Bend, Indiana, mayor.
11 a.m.: Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren is also back in New Hampshire, having arrived on a flight from Iowa to Manchester-Boston Regional Airport early Tuesday morning. She is scheduled to hold a town hall at The Colonial Theatre in Keene later Tuesday morning.
10:40 a.m.: Former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick arrived at Manchester Central High School ahead of a busy day of campaigning in New Hampshire. He was scheduled to speak at an assembly at the school, followed by a tour of New England Carpenters Training Center in Manchester and a stop at the University of New Hampshire in Durham on Tuesday night.
–Mark Garfinkel
8:20 a.m.: The candidates have already begun to arrive in New Hampshire after a long night in Iowa. We caught up with Pete Buttigieg as he stopped for coffee at Nashua's Riverwalk Cafe, flanked by Nashua Mayor Jim Donchess, who has endorsed him. Buttigieg also has events scheduled in Manchester, Hampton, Portsmouth and Laconia on Tuesday.
–Mark Garfinkel