San Diego

The Man Behind Your Story: NBC 7's Artie Ojeda Retires After Sharing San Diego's Stories For 30 Years

With 36 years on the local news scene, it's hard to doubt veteran journalist Artie Ojeda has seen it all. But he will be the first to tell you it's not the stories he's covered that matter, it's the people behind them

NBCUniversal Media, LLC

There are San Diego news reporters and then there is Artie Ojeda. One of NBC 7's longest-serving journalists, retiring at the end of 2022, is as San Diego as it gets.

Ojeda's ties to the local news scene trace as far back as 1978. As a teenager at then-Serra High School, Ojeda landed an interview that even veteran reporters would consider a score -- an interview with San Diego legend Padres pitcher Randy Jones just a few years after he won the Cy Young Award, landed on the All-Star roster twice and was the most winning pitcher in the MLB. The interview was held at what true residents remember as the recently-demolished San Diego Stadium.

Two San Diego news legends are going off air. Hear some parting words from their peers behind the NBC 7 San Diego anchor desk.

"I just took a shot, rolled the dice, and sent a letter to the Padres and asked them if I could interview Randy Jones. And, God bless Randy Jones, he said 'yes.'"

Despite his age, a feather-haired Ojeda -- no mustache yet -- prepared some hard-hitting questions for a gameplay-ready Jones. Reading his notes from a clipboard and holding a hand mic, Ojeda asks, "K um, how do you think manager Alvin Dark has been doing since taking over the Padres a few months back?"

That was nearly 45 years ago, and despite the grainy, black-and-white footage, the picture is clear: reporting is exactly what Ojeda was meant to do. Reporting in San Diego is what Ojeda was meant to do.

NBC 7's Reporter Artie Ojeda signs off for one last time.

Of course, before he could get there, he'd have to do time in a few less-than-idyllic locales. We'll get to that later. First, let's go back to the beginning. Because I think it's time to come clean.

"I tell everybody that I'm born and raised in San Diego, but in reality... my dad got like a three-month gig in upstate New York working for, I don't know, General Dynamics or something," Ojeda said. "And, it just so happened at that three-month window, I was born.

"In Plattsburgh, New York."

The small city just south of the border with Montreal, Canada, with a population of about 30,000 is about as far from San Diego as you can get. But we'll give him a pass because a few months later he was back living in what is now considered the Mountain View neighborhood.

His family then moved a bit north to then-new community of Tierrasanta, built after the U.S. Marines declared the land a surplus and turned it over to the city, where they would set long-lasting roots. The neighborhood still had a military presence but felt like a small town with neighborhood kids learning at the same schools, sporting in the same leagues and playing in the same streets.

"My mom always used to say this was our dream home and it was the first home that my family actually owned and they were the first people to live in the home," Ojeda said. "And to this day -- my mom passed away in September -- but the family home is still in Tierrasanta, where my dad lives."

Ojeda didn't stray far from home after graduating from high school in 1978. He first attended San Diego City College because this future Emmy and Golden Mike Award winner didn't have a high-enough English SAT score to get into San Diego State. The college that also taught the likes of former NBC 7 alumna Whitney Southwick and former KGTV reporter Bree Walker may have been just what he needed.

"At City College, I had to take a remedial English class and the instructor happened to be the journalism advisor for the student newspaper at City College and convinced me to join the staff and hone my writing skills. And I became editor-in-chief of the student newspaper."

He then attended San Diego State but was already on his way to his dream job in TV news, having made the connections that would land him an internship with KFMB.

Photos: Looking Back on Artie Ojeda's Time at NBC 7

As anyone in "the biz" will tell you, reporters rarely get their start in someplace like San Diego. They usually have to do their time somewhere remote with small-market viewership where they can hone their skills. For Ojeda, that was Abilene, Texas, about 250 miles west of Dallas.

"For this San Diego boy, "It was culture shock," Ojeda said. "One of the first public events that I went to was this thing that they call the Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup... Basically, the mission for the day is for people to gather, go out in the fields and hunt rattlesnakes and bring them back. They skin them, they cook them, they, you know, make belts. And, for a guy from San Diego, I'm just like what the heck."

Suffice it to say, he didn't last long in Abilene. In four months, he had made the move to Tuscon, Arizona. And by a stroke of luck, his former boss at KFMB, Jim Holtzman, spotted him on TV and brought him back to where he belonged.

"He calls me and said, 'Hey, you want to come back home?' And I'm like, 'Uh, yeah!'" Artie said with a chuckle. "I was very green and probably not ready [for San Diego], but he was patient and, you know, served as one of the most influential people in my life."

Of course, there was a five-year stint in Los Angeles where Ojeda worked as a sports reporter for an independent news station, but we don't really need to talk about that.

"You don't know how difficult it is for a San Diego boy to report on the success of the Dodgers..."

More Stories by Artie Ojeda

With 36 years on the local news scene, it's hard to doubt Ojeda has seen it all. He's covered devastating wildfires that have torn through neighborhoods leaving families with nothing. He's spoken with loved ones who have just lost their closest relatives and felt their heartbreak. He's covered local politics for decades -- even national elections, particularly the 1996 Republican National Convention that saw Bob Dole secure the presidential nomination (He ultimately lost to President Clinton). He's held our local leaders accountable for their actions -- or as he puts it "sometimes their inactions" -- on issues like homelessness and the Chargers leaving San Diego.

As he covered the mating of the pandas from China in the late 1990s, he became the real-life "Anchorman," 'stache and all, though we couldn't find evidence of a burgundy suit. He's been there with the Padres through the highs -- like when they became the National League champs in 1998 -- and the lows... the many, heartbreaking lows. He got to see the transformation of Jack Murphy Stadium to the "Q" and to its eventual demolition and rebirth as SDSU's Snapdragon Stadium.

But Ojeda will be the first to tell you it's not the stories he's covered that matter, it's the people behind them.

"We've done all of these major news stories that have been big public events and everybody knows about them. But for me, some of the stories that resonate the most are those community stories," Ojeda said.

Ask anyone who's worked with Ojeda or been on the other side of his interviews -- his ability to connect with people is what makes this veteran reporter so good at his job. And, that's probably because, for him, their stories were always much more than a job.

"Artie, you have been there for all of the big stories, you are just so important to all of them," NBC 7 anchor Catherine Garcia said for Ojeda's final send-off. "But when you talk about the neighborhood stories, that's what you really shine at. So, thank you."

"Nice folks find each other and the best journalists are not necessarily those who can take an assignment and make it really good. It's the reporters, the best journalists like you, Artie, are the people who are inherently curious and respectful of other people, one another's stories and you seek these things out," anchor Mark Mullen added.

In 1998, Ojeda shared the story of a young girl who had diabetes but was scared to share her diagnosis. Through the story, he helped her teach her classmates what it was like to have the disease. But the story touched Ojeda beyond his daily assignment; it inspired him to join the Junior Diabetes Research Foundation, where he sat on the board for years.

Then, there are the personal stories he's shared that have solidified in his memory. One, he recalled, was the moment he discovered an assignment about a missing girl who turned out to be the daughter of a woman he knew from his orthodontist's office. The two would often share life updates about their girls, who were about the same age.

"I will never forget the moment of the big news conference and there was Kelly King, distraught because her daughter [Chelsea King] was missing," Ojeda said. "I remember making eye contact with her and it was if as all of those conversations that we had had about our daughters just came flooding. And, the emotion was overwhelming.”

And, when he interviewed a mother running a marathon for her baby who needed a liver transplant, it became a moment that would change his life forever.

"What was I going to say? She’s holding her baby who needs a liver transplant and she challenged me to run a marathon on live TV!"

Nearly two dozen marathons later, he credits that moment for changing the trajectory of his health. Oh, and baby Jessica received her transplant and is thriving. Ojeda and his mustache covered that, too.

That mustache, by the way, has been there every step of the way. Ojeda jokes he's "old enough to remember when it was black."

"I was on vacation and I shaved it off just because I wanted to see what I’d look like. And, I posted the video of me shaving it off and, oh my God, I had no idea the outrage and commotion it would cause."

One of Ojeda's most touching stories was about his own community in Rancho Peñasquitos, known as the festive Christmas Card Lane where each resident turns their front yard into a holiday card. The community came together to keep Christmas alive through February for one of their neighbors who missed the holiday due to a severe case of pneumonia that sent him into a coma. When he awoke, he had one question: "Did I miss Christmas?" Thanks to Ojeda and his neighbors, the answer was, "no."

Ojeda's reporting also led to a new best friend in his dog Theodore, who was rescued from the devastating floods in Louisiana. Artie was there when 65 dogs and a cat were flown to San Diego to be put up for adoption. He couldn't let Theodore go.

How are Padres fans coping with the sight of their rival in the World Series? I checked in with NBC 7's resident diehard.

It has to be said that Ojeda probably wouldn't be where he is today without a strong support system. He married his wife, Debby Ojeda, while in college and together they had two children who have flourished into their own careers as a teacher and a family therapist.

"She has been my rock, you know, supported me while I work early mornings, late nights, holidays, long hours, coming home smelling like smoke after covering the wildfires and she was there," Ojeda said. "I give her great, I mean, all the credit for the success of my children."

His family has grown as Ojeda recently welcomed two new grandchildren into the world. They're some of the catalysts that pushed him to retire at the end of 2022. The other was the death of his mother -- all life moments that happened in the span of a few months.

"Somebody my age, when you have those life events happen, it really does give you cause to rethink your life priorities," Ojeda said. "And it may sound corny, but that really factored into my decision to accept the early retirement and to spend more time with family."

Besides spending time with family, Ojeda doesn't really know what's next.

"Frankly, it still really hasn't set in that I'm retiring but -- I know that it's such a cliche but it's true -- it's been an honor to serve the community that I grew up in. And, really, all I can do is just thank everybody who has opened up their hearts and their homes to talk to me in good times and bad," Ojeda said.

"I feel assured that, and I hope that I made a meaningful impact in someone's life."

We're certain he has.

Thank you, Artie, for your dedication to the San Diego community and to your NBC 7 family.

Honoring NBC 7 San Diego's 2022 Retirees

NBC 7 would also like to recognize four other longtime NBC 7 employees who are retiring.

  • Rory Devine has been a journalist with NBC 7 and in San Diego for more than four decades. With a background in education, she often focused on San Diego's school districts, inspiring teachers and students
  • Fely Parker has worked at NBC 7 since 1982. Fely has worked just about every job in production and most recently worked as an Automated Production Control Operator.
  • Mark Leimbach has worked at NBC 7 as a photojournalist since 1988.
  • Steve Marshall has worked as a Story Producer/Editor at NBC 7 since 1997.

You may not recognize the names and faces of some of those behind-the-scenes folks, but you definitely know their work. Bringing you the news every day is a team effort, and we couldn’t do it without their hard work. Fely, Mark and Steve -- we will not only miss your talents, we will miss your big hearts as well. One thing that makes NBC 7 so special is the people, and you are three of the best! Thank you for all of the years you dedicated to your careers and the San Diego community. Now go enjoy your retirement! Congratulations!

Q&A: Artie Reflects on His Career at NBC 7

These questions were a part of a joint interview with Ojeda and veteran reporter Rory Devine, who is also retiring after more than four decades in the business. The pair have been working together for most of their careers at NBC 7 and have a unique insight into each other, the job and the fun behind the scenes that most viewers don’t get to see. Watch the full interview in the player above.

Why news? What is it about this job that kept you going for more than three decades?

We are leaving a really cool job. And, there’s your answer right there. I just thought it would be cool to be on TV. And, I can remember watching some of the newscasters on the air at the time and thinking, “I can do that. I can do that.” And then as I begin this 30-plus year-long journey I began to realize that this job came with great responsibility. And if we’re doing our job yet, that means that we could affect meaningful change and hold our leaders accountable for their actions and inaction as the case maybe. But it also offered the chance to witness so many events and meet so many wonderful people. It is crazy when you think about all the significant news events that we have had a front-row seat to and been a part of during our careers.

Tell us about your start in reporting. You have a photo of you interviewing a San Diego legend when you were just a teenager. Tell us about that. How did that moment come about?

That was in high school in 1978. It’s me interviewing former San Diego Padres pitcher Randy Jones at the old San Diego stadium. And I can remember how gracious Randy Jones was to this 15-year-old kid, reading off his notes asking the questions. It was just a lot of fun. I remember that day very, very clearly. I was nervous as hell to tell you the truth.

What was your first day at NBC 7 like?

You know, I don’t remember exactly. But I do remember of getting the honor of anchoring First News at 4 p.m. with [Rory Devine] and the wonderful Margaret Radford. And I also remember how incredibly tough it was because everyday, we would get an assignment and so we would have to go out in the field and do our daily reporting, crank that out under deadline pressure, perhaps dealing with the emotion of the day. And then come back and anchor the newscast at 4. Definitely a formula for gray hair wouldn’t you say? See, I remember when this mustache was black.

You and Rory Devine have been working together for three decades. Do you remember when you two first met?

At the time, I was over at [CBS 8], it must’ve been about 1986 or something and I beat you on an interview and it was so much fun watching Rory scramble to get the same interview. But I’ll tell you what, I learned something from [Rory]. I learned how determined and how tenacious you were. And at the time I said, ‘”Wow, that’s what being a true journalist is all about.” I remember that, but I beat you on that story.

Editor’s note: We know this story is about Artie, but we, of course, had to give Rory a chance to respond to that. She says, Artie “got it first but I got it on the air at the same time as [he] did. So, I don’t know if that’s ‘beating me’ on the story.”

Tell us about one story that changed your life on a personal level.

That is impossible to answer but I did think about this and, you know, there are so many things we could talk about that. We could talk about the 1996 [Republican National] Convention that was here. We could talk about the pandas, remember Bai Yun? There was flying out to the aircraft carrier Constellation on one of its final missions before it was decommissioned. You mentioned the devastating wildfires. The Chargers leaving town. Terribly difficult stories like Danielle Van Dam and Chelsea King. Those just still strike an emotional nerve to this day. More recently, we could talk about COVID and lockdowns. There are just so many different and emotional stories.

But if there is one story that I can definitely say impacted me personally, personally me, it’s the story of Jessica Owen. Back in 2000, Jessica needed a liver transplant and I interviewed her mother Candy Owen live on TV because her mother was running a marathon. And she challenged me to run a marathon on live TV. What am I going to say? She’s holding her baby who needs a liver transplant and she challenged me to run a marathon on live TV and I said “yes.” And as many of you know, that was life-changing because 23 marathons and 30 pounds later, Jessica and Candy Owen changed my life for the better. And Jessica got her transplant and she’s thriving.

You’ve also covered a lot of personal stories for San Diegans. What was that like?

You knock on the door and you wonder if somebody wants to talk about a tragedy that is happening in life. And maybe it’s a bit of a rationalization, but when they do talk to you, you get this sense that they actually feel good about talking to [us]. It helps them. It’s cathartic and perhaps makes them feel better about honoring, if the case may be, losing someone in their life. 

When you talk about personal stories -- this is not a happy story -- but it’s the death of Chelsea King. Wonderful, smart, talented teenager who, as you know, was killed when she went on a run. But the story struck me much deeper because I had known Chelsea King’s mother previously. She worked in my dermatologist’s office and we had many conversations about our daughters and how proud we were of our daughters.

And then when we learned that this young teenage girl had gone missing, I will never forget the moment of the big news conference and there was Kelly King, distraught because her daughter was missing. I remember making eye contact with her and it was if as all of those conversations that we had had about our daughters just came flooding. And, the emotion was overwhelming.

I am honored to say that I was proud to be a part of some the fundraising events, whether it was running, different fundraisers, that called attention to her death.

Ultimately, I was there to report when Chelsea’s Law was signed. I’ll never forget that September day; it was a rainy day. Gov. [Arnold] Schwarzenegger came to town to Balboa Park, it was raining, and as he signed the legislation, the blue sky opened up and Kelly came to tell me, “That’s Chelsea.”

Tell us about the pandas. Of course, San Diego’s "panda"-monium is mocked in the movie “Anchorman,” but life really does imitate art doesn’t it, or vice versa?

I think this was back in 1996. We jokingly called the story “Panda Love” because they were trying to mate Bai-Yun and have baby pandas. So I can remember the story. It starts off with a picture of a bird and I say “Birds do it.” And then there was a picture of a bee. “Bees do it. When are the pandas gonna do it.” Because they were struggling with each other and Bei Yun is introduced to She-Shu or Gao-Gao or I don’t know and they would start fighting. So it was very comical to see what was happening and I would go around asking people, “How would you get these two pandas to mate?” And the answers were just hilarious.

What is the first thing you’re going to do after retirement?

 I have absolutely no idea. I have no plan, and that’s the truth. I do know that it’s been a difficult year, my mom passed away and I really wish that she was here to see this conversation but she passed away in September and on either side of her death I had two young, beautiful grandchildren born. And so it kind of sounds like a cliché but it’s the truth: I really look forward to spending more time with my family. And my beautiful wife Debbie.

Any last words?

Most importantly I just want to offer a big thank you to everyone who has been so gracious and allowed us to share their stories and come into their homes. I remember there was one man who told me this story about he and his wife who woke up with us every morning in his bed and I said “Woah, woah, woah!” He says “No, no, no, I mean watching you on the news.” So a big thank you to everyone who has allowed us who has welcome us into your homes and to everyone who has allowed us to share your story and to everyone we’ve angered even – sorry, but thank you because it has been an honor reporting in my hometown for the last 36 years.

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