Pacific Beach

So Long, Bub's. Last Call for Iconic Pacific Beach Watering Hole

Bub's at the Beach has been sold, an employee said Wednesday; Bub's at Ballpark in the East Village, however, is still going strong

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Bub’s at the Beach

It's soon going to be last call — permanently — for PB's Bub's at the Beach, which has called a stretch of Garnet Avenue between Cass and Dawes street home for a quarter-century.

The bar dropped the news on social media on Tuesday:

"Thank you for 25 amazing years of celebrations, support and friendship.

"Twenty-five years in Pacific Beach is coming to an end. Come celebrate with us as we say thank you to PB and everyone who has supported us over the years! We will be closing our doors at the end of the month, so there's a short window to hit your favorites on Bub's menu and give some love to our amazing staff. A hell of a lot of memories in Pacific Beach, and the friends and family we've made here will never be forgotten."

A very busy woman who works at Bub's at the Beach told NBC 7 on Wednesday morning that the bar was closing because the business had been sold. She confirmed that the absolute last last call will be on the night of April 30.

It didn't take long for sad supporters to react to and to spread the news.

"I can't say enough how much I will miss this place! It's been my family for 16 years. Much love to all of you!" posted IG user @hager.kirsten

"Aww, this sucks to hear. Another PB gem closing down. We don't need another Mavericks," chimed in @brandy_a_

@mj_bear got to the heart of the issue: "Can I buy it?"

@sarah_carbisxo said she was "Brokenhearted to see this place go. I'll forever cherish all the fun memories I have with this family."

The news was especially hard to hear for fans of the Pittsburgh Steelers, who found a home there on fall Sunday afternoons going back decades.

"Nooo where do we go for Steelers games now?" mused @g_baabbyy.

When it comes to baseball, though, Bub's is a longtime Friars fan, evidenced by its sister location, Bub's at the Ballpark, down by Petco Park on J Street, which the Bub's employee told NBC 7 was still going strong.

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