San Diego Unified School District

SDUSD Looking Ahead to Phase 2 of Reopening Plan

The district's superintendent said announcements regarding advancement to Phase 2 are expected next Tuesday


Plans are taking shape in the San Diego Unified School District to bring more children back on campus for in-person learning.

In a voicemail message sent to parents Wednesday, district superintendent Cindy Marten said the district plans to announce a tentative start date for "Phase Two" of its reopening plan next week.

Under Phase 2, students from kindergarten through 5th grade will return to campus four days per week, Monday through Thursday, either in a morning session or an afternoon session. Fridays would be set aside for online check-ins and independent asynchronous learning.

Older students, 6th grade through 12th grade, would return to campus two days per week: One group on Mondays and Tuesdays, and the other Wednesdays and Thursdays. Fridays would again be set aside for online learning.

News of the pending announcement came on the same day San Diego County health leaders said there has been a surge in cases among people 19years old and younger.

According to the county, 4% of recent cases were contact traced back to a school-related exposure, suggesting reopening campuses is a factor in the county's overall rise in cases.

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