The San Diego City Council will consider adding tiny homes as part of its solution to the ongoing housing crisis.
The San Diego City Council will consider tiny homes as part of its solution to the ongoing housing crisis in America’s Finest City.
Local leaders will discuss the possibility of adding movable tiny homes to the city’s list of options on how to offer more affordable housing to citizens.
Petite houses have grown in popularity recently as vacation spots and as living arrangements because of its cost-efficiency, charming looks and capability to cover basic necessities like shelter and an area to cook, rest and bathe. Tiny homes typically are as large as 150 to 430 square feet.
“We have to attack the housing crisis from every possible angle,” City Council President Georgette Gómez said in a statement. She went on to call tiny homes a “great way to encourage property owners to be part of the solution.
Right now, San Diego allows homeowners the change to build accessory dwelling units on their properties. If the city council votes in favor of tiny homes, it would add regulations for the petite structures so homeowners can add them to their properties.
Public input on tiny homes will be welcomed via comments online. Anyone who is interested in sharing their opinions can submit their comments here.
The city council meeting is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. Tuesday.