San Diego Zoo Global Welcomes Pacific Pocket Mice Pups

Pacific pocket mice grow to weigh approximately 6-7 grams, which is about the same as 3 pennies.

What’s cuter than pocket mice? Baby pocket mice.

A Pacific pocket mouse gave birth to her third litter on Tuesday night, the San Diego Zoo Global confirmed.

According to the zoo, this is a new record for their breeding program.

There have been 15 litters of Pacific pocket mice born this year so far, bringing the number of pups to about 54. The zoo says some pups may not have emerged from the nests yet, so the number is expected to increase.

Earlie this year, 19 Pacific pocket mice pups were born at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park between February and April this year through the captive breeding program.

In June, 50 Pacific pocket mice were relocated to Laguna Coast Wilderness Park in Orange County to help replenish their population. The zoo reported that the mice were thriving in their new habitat since being relocated.

This is the fourth year that researchers and scientists from the San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research have bred the species.

Pacific pocket mice are an endangered species that is critical to the ecosystem. They are seed eaters and disperse the seeds of native plants throughout their habitat. According to the zoo, they also help the growth of native plants by digging burrows that hydrate and increase nutrition cycling in the soil.

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