San Diego County

San Diego County May Be Headed Toward Yellow Tier

As San Diego County reports a testing positivity rate average of 1.3% - a rate low enough to put the county in the yellow tier, many San Diegans are beginning to get back to normal life

NBC Universal, Inc.

Pandemic conditions have improved significantly in San Diego County. If the trend continues, the county could move into the less restrictive yellow tier as early as this week. NBC 7’s Amber Frias has more.

Walking down Third Street in Chula Vista you’ll start to notice the neighborhood is starting to look a little more like it did in 2019. 

“I just feel everyone has been having cabin fever and they’re so excited to be back or just be out here,” said Elise Emmert, Chula Vista Brewery employee.

People are back out, hanging out with friends, and enjoying what local businesses in the area have to offer.

“We’ve seen bigger crowds as the days go by, especially on the weekends,” said Emmert.

Over the past few weeks COVID-19 related restrictions have eased off significantly but the county remains in the orange tier of the state’s four-tiered, reopening plan. However, that could soon change. 

On Tuesday the county reported a testing positivity rate average of 1.3% - a rate low enough to land us in the yellow tier. But in order to make it there, the county needs to report a similar average again this week.

“Moving up we’re going to be able to open it up a bit more, more people will be able to come in,” said Emmert.

Once in the yellow tier, Breweries like Chula Vista Brewery will be able to open indoor capacity to 50% instead of 25% where it's at now.

We’re just about a week away from the state reopening but with coronavirus trends looking optimistic in San Diego County, the region could shift to the least restrictive yellow tier.

Gyms and restaurants will also have 50% capacity and you could have even more people in these places if you can prove people are vaccinated. 

“Sometimes it's been hard to get everyone to comply with the guidelines,” said Emmert. “A lot of people are tired and over it, but we’re sticklers and we still comply with the guidelines so we’re just excited to not have to enforce so much.”

At this time nearly 79% of the goal population in San Diego is fully vaccinated. And in one final effort to get the majority of the population vaccinated against the coronavirus, they plan to host 100 mobile vaccination events during the month of June. 

One final push to end the coronavirus pandemic and get life back to normal.

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