San Diego

San Diego churches hold 12th annual ‘Walk For Life' demonstration

People on all sides of the issue want to have their voices heard on the topic of reproductive rights

NBC Universal, Inc.

Thousands attended the 12th annual Walk For Life event on Saturday at Waterfront Park in downtown San Diego. The demonstration was organized by the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego, in conjunction with dozens of other local churches and organizations.

"There are many, many options for life, and that's why we have so many different organizations here present. Each one of them offers different things to help women - especially those who are in pregnancy," said Ramon Bejarano, the Auxiliary Bishop with the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego.

But not everyone who was at the demonstration was necessarily onboard with the overall message. One woman who spoke with NBC 7, who didn't want to be identified, said that she attended for her own reasons.

"I have been advocating for my husband who needs a type O kidney donation," she said. "I feel like everybody gets to believe in whatever they want to believe in, and I know we also have varying ideas about what constitutes a fact and what is a credible fact and what is a belief-based fact and I support anybody's right to believe as long as they're doing it with kindness and love in their heart."

California is considered a "safe-haven" state, meaning access to reproductive health care is legal and widely available. Gov. Gavin Newsom also signed new protections into law for doctors in California who mail abortion pills to patients in other states. It's just one of a few key pieces of legislation spearheaded by California lawmakers that took effect in the new year.

People on the other side of the issue, however, would like to see change.

"For me, no politician and no government or any kind of that will change my thinking about life," said Mirna Ramirez, one demonstrator who was there in support of her church.

The goal for those participating in this year's Walk For Life was to shed light on other resources available for women who might be considering abortion.

"To show them that there are options, to offer the resources that they need so they can decide what to do — to have options. Abortion is one, but adoption is another one," said Maria Valencia, the Associate Director of Culture of Life with the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego.

NBC 7 reached out to Planned Parenthood for comment on Saturday's demonstration. We are still waiting to hear back.

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