San Diego Bans β€˜Ghost Guns'

The Eliminate Non-Serialized Untraceable Firearm (ENUF) ordinance will become law on Oct. 14

NBC Universal, Inc.

The San Diego City Council passed an ordinance Tuesday intended to crack down on firearms without individual serial numbers β€” so-called "ghost guns" β€” and work to combat their proliferation on the streets.

The Eliminate Non-Serialized Untraceable Firearm (ENUF) ordinance, which was introduced by Councilwoman Marni von Wilpert, is intended to ban ghost guns by making it illegal to sell unregistered gun kits in San Diego online or in stores. The ENUF ordinance will become law on Oct. 14.

Three months ago, police say a San Diego man gunned down five people at random in the Gaslamp. Detectives say the gun he used was a homemade, untraceable gun. One of the survivors has never spoken publicly about what happened, until now. NBC 7's Alexis Rivas reports.

"The spread of untraceable ghost guns is fueling gun violence in our city and today's vote will help keep firearms out of the hands of people who pose danger to our communities, including violent criminals, domestic abusers, individuals suffering from mental illness and terrorists," von Wilpert said. "I hope the ordinance will inspire San Diego's regional municipalities, the state of California and ultimately the federal government to act to close the ghost gun loophole once and for all."

Ghost guns, sometimes referred to as "do-it-yourself guns," are homemade, personally manufactured firearms that lack commercial serial numbers and can easily become untraceable due to the lack of identifying markings.

Unserialized gun parts will soon be illegal for purchase in San Diego. NBC 7's Alexis Rivas has the story.

People who are prohibited from lawfully possessing firearms can avoid background checks by legally purchasing the unfinished parts of a gun and then assemble an unregistered ghost gun.

The gun kits are sold by manufacturers, secondary retailers and websites, and there are numerous websites and videos online that explain how to complete the assembly process with minimal effort.

NBC 7's Alexis Rivas spoke to a local law school graduate who spotted the loophole in GVRO law.

The ordinance was introduced after an April 22 mass shooting that killed Justice Boldin, 28, outside a hotel in the Gaslamp Quarter and wounded four others, in which a ghost gun was used. The suspect, 32-year-old downtown San Diego resident Travis Sarreshteh, is a convicted felon who is prohibited from owning firearms. He was tackled by bystanders and arrested.

A first reading of the ordinance passed 8-1 in August.

According to a San Diego Police Department report, gang-related violent crime increased in the first six months of 2021, including a 129% jump in gang-related shootings when compared to the same period last year, which saw a significant drop in most violent crime due to COVID-19-related lockdowns.

"The increased violence our communities are experiencing is cause for new measures to address it," Police Chief David Nisleit said before the first vote in August. "Our Violence Reduction Plan and new Ghost Gun Team will combine proactive policing with special investigations to use knowledge and expertise to find those who are causing this violence and stop it before it happens. Every San Diegan deserves to feel safe, and we believe these efforts will help us in reaching that goal."

Nearly 20% of weapons seized as part of criminal investigations during the first half of the year were ghost guns, police said.

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