San Diego

RARE SIGHT: 10 Whales Greet San Diego Tour Boat

A group of people on a whale watching tour saw a majestic sight: 10 orcas swimming right near their boat.

A group of people in the Pacific Ocean on a whale watching tour in San Diego were thrilled to see 10 killer whales come up to their boat to greet them.

“This was a really curious group of animals,” said Captain Russell Moore, who has been leading tours through his business, Xplore Offshore, for nearly 15 years. “We were all blown away. You cannot help but be blown away. These animals are as long as my vessel.”

Moore said the group saw the whales in open water Thursday morning about five miles from the shore of Mission Beach.

“They are such a lovely, powerful species, they affect you,” he said.

Experts say it’s rare for a group of orcas to come so far south during this time of year.

Moore is urging people who see whales swimming to proceed with caution, and let them be in their natural habitats.

“Ecotourism is the number one threat to marine mammals these days,” said Moore. “Think about that, whale lovers are threatening whales now.”

Moore urges anyone who goes out whale watching, dolphin sighting or boating to keep a distance from the sea creatures. Do not swim towards them. Let them approach you and be calm and quiet when they come close so they are not startled.

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