Not-So-Wily Coyote Gets Stuck Upside Down on Fence in Ramona

A wily coyote this one was not.

It was trapped upside in Ramona on Wednesday after its foot was caught on the fence in what appears to be a failed attempt to jump over a fence.

Many coyotes can jump higher than five feet. This one, however, got stuck on what appears to be four-foot fence.

A passer-by spotted the trapped coyote on Royal Vista Drive and quickly called County Animal Services.

Animal Services officers restrained the coyote while the passer-by cut the wire of the fence.

Once the coyote’s foot was freed, it was taken to the Fund for Animals Wildlife Center a little more than 3 miles away.

There, a veterinarian inspected the coyote, which, other than the injured leg and paw (and pride?), seems none the worse for wear.

The coyote is expected to make a full recovery and will soon be released.

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