Firefighters at an Oceanside station took custody of a newborn baby boy Sunday afternoon as part of the “Safe Surrender” program.
The crew had returned from another call to Station 5 on North River Road just before 4 p.m. Sunday when they were met by a woman in her mid to late 20s carrying a baby boy.
The woman told the firefighters that she had recently given birth and wanted to give up her baby for adoption.
They say she appeared heartbroken but was calm and cooperative and even stayed long enough to complete a health questionnaire to help with the process.
The child was transported to a nearby hospital for evaluation but firefighters said the baby appeared to be healthy and well cared for.
It’s the second time in 18 months that a newborn has been surrendered at this Oceanside fire station.
Under the “Safe Surrender” program, parents are able to drop off a newborn child within 72 hours of birth without fear of prosecution at any location designated by the County Board of Supervisors as a “Safe Surrender” site.
If they change their mind, the biological parents can reclaim custody within 14 days of the “surrender.”
Persons interested in the “Safe Surrender” program can call 211 for more information or look at the San Diego County website.