Marines Accused of Assaulting Pregnant Teen

Suspects allegedly conspired to attack woman


Two locally-based Marines face assault and robbery charges after allegedly attacking a pregnant 18-year-old in Northern California.

The 8-months-pregnant victim was walking along a trail in Redding with another woman on June 20 when two men robbed them and assaulted her, according to an official with the Redding Police Department.

"After I got kicked in the stomach, I thought that [my baby] died," the victim told KNVN in Redding.

She was rushed to the hospital and gave birth after an emergency C-section to a premature but healthy baby boy, she told KNVN.

"When the ambulance pulled up and I saw her, I fell to my knees," said the victim's mother.

The suspects, police later determined, included the father of the victims' baby and cousin to her companion.

NBC7 is not naming the suspects to avoid naming the victim in the case. The two suspects are based at Camp Pendleton.

One of the two confessed to police that he participated in the assault and robbery. He also told police that the victim's companion was involved in the attack.

Investigators determined that the suspects allegedly conspired against the victim in the moments before the attack. Cell phone evidence revealed that the companion was texting one of the two suspects to inform him of their location.

Investigators later served a search warrant at the companion's home in Anderson, Calif. and found several items taken from the victim during the alleged robbery. She was arraigned Monday.

A motive for the robbery and assault was not clear.

The suspects face charges of attempted murder, conspiracy, robbery and felony assault. Lance also faces a spousal abuse charge.

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