Locals Show Support for Law Enforcement

As the demonstrations and protests continue in El Cajon, people have been stopping by the police station with encouraging words and gifts to show their support.

Kelemonyn Trejo and Jacob Garcia told NBC 7 that they are tired of police officers being the center of negative attention, so they're doing something about it--hand delivering food along with encourgaging words to the El Cajon Police Department (ECPD).

“We just wanted to show our support and show that we care, appreciate what they do,” said Garcia.

The two college students said they have been watching the news over the past couple of days, and saw people angry and lash out at police. 

"I think there's a peaceful way to protest about it; but I think yelling at them and putting their phones at them, I mean, you wouldn't like that if somebody did that to you, so why do that to them," said Trejo.

They know it's not much, but they hope the simple gesture will go a long way during this difficult time.

“we live down the street from where the protests happened and we were just like 'We have to do something! Bring them water, bring them something to at least say thanks for keeping us safe'," said Trejo.

Trejo and Garcia are not the only ones who have reached out to law enforcement.

El Cajon police told NBC 7 people have been stopping by on a regular basis over the last couple of months to show their support. 

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