Something good

Local Sunglasses Company Donates Safety Goggles for San Diego Firefighters

The City of San Diego put out a call and one company stepped up to help.

Knockaround donated 5,000 safety goggles to San Diego Fire-Rescue.

Many companies have switched gears to help in any way they can during the coronavirus pandemic, and sunglasses maker Knockaround is no exception.

The local sunglasses company donated 5,000 safety goggles to San Diego Fire-Rescue on Thursday. Knockaround CEO Adam Moyer said he noticed the city's website said they were in need of the goggles, so he put his team to work.

"We just wanted to help out the community. It's the easiest thing for us to do because we're a sunglasses company. We already have all the eyewear contacts," Moyer said. "Lots of local businesses are doing whatever they can, whether it's making food for health care workers, or whatever it is their company specializes in."

The city is looking for donations ranging from bed sheets to latex gloves.

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