While there are no confirmed cases of the coronavirus in San Diego, school districts in San Diego County are reacting to the recent outbreak and taking extra precautions.
The Chula Vista Elementary School District (CVESD) sent a letter to parents on Friday stating that the California Department of Public Health released guidance for schools on Thursday in response to the coronavirus outbreak, leading to modifications in procedures within the district.
“During the outbreak, we ask any students who have a fever of 100.4 Fahrenheit or greater to be kept home until they have no fever for 24 hours, without fever medication,” stated a representative for CVESD in the letter.
The letter added that the district will ask a parent or child about their recent travel if the child reports symptoms similar to those of the coronavirus, said the CVESD.
At the San Diego Unified School District, a physician told NBC7 that they are checking in with any student who shows cold-like symptoms and checking to see if their family has traveled to China in the last two weeks. The district has also emailed parents encouraging them to keep their children at home if they have a cold or flu symptoms.
The San Diego Unified physician added that if a student has flu/cold symptoms and has been to China recently, the district will contact County Public Health.
Parents and teachers are also staying alert with the recent outbreak.
"I'm a little nervous because what's happening overseas is rapidly increasing," said Coleen Sangiolo, mother.
"My approach has become a lot more defensive than it was in the past as far as being more circumspect about washing my hands more often during the day and explaining to students that although hand sanitizer is a good thing, it's in no way a replacement for actual soap and water," said Jane Medrano, teacher.
A public health emergency was declared on Friday along with significant entry restrictions for travelers because of the coronavirus. The first person-to-person spreading of the coronavirus was confirmed in Chicago, involving the spouse of a women who was diagnosed with the virus.