Local Coach Goes on Cursing Rant Against Umpire

Coach Trent Holbrook has been suspended from all future tournament activities.

NBC 7’s Omari Fleming reports on the conduct of a San Marcos baseball club’s coach during a tournament and what the coach is saying about it now.

A local baseball coach was caught on camera unleashing a foul-mouthed tirade on an umpire in front of teenage players in Poway.

Coach Trent Holbrook’s cursing rant has been the talk of the United States Amateur Baseball Federation Tournament.

Now, Holbrook is apologizing: “I went overboard a bit.”

The flare up came in the 5th inning of the game at Westview High in Poway after what Holbrook calls a series of bad calls by the umpire against his San Marcos traveling team called R.I.P. or Raising Individual Performance.

It’s made up of 16-year-olds.

“Why would you take the integrity out of the game and call a pitch over someone's head,” Holbrook said. “Not at the neck or letters; over the head where the catcher stands up.”

After challenging the umpire, the video shows Holbrook start walking back to the dugout. Suddenly he makes a U-turn after hearing some unsavory words, possibly from the umpire.

Holbrook says he should not have cursed but that doesn’t mean he won’t dispute a call in the future.

“I am regretful of my actions, the language. Can I say I'm never going to get fired up again and argue a call, no,” Holbrook said.

In addition to Holbrook three of his coaches and one of his players were kicked out of the game.

The tournament director said that while he's not going to penalize Holbrook's team, he has suspended Holbrook indefinitely from tournament activities.

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