La Jolla Woman's Wedding Dress Stolen 2 Weeks Before Her Wedding

Candace Balbarais' car was stolen Wednesday morning, with her wedding dress inside

A La Jolla woman says someone broke into her family’s SUV and stole her wedding dress. NBC 7’s Greg Bledsoe has the story.

It made her feel like a Princess.

That’s how Candace Balbarais describes the wedding dress she planned to wear in two weeks. Now, she’s not sure if she’ll ever put that dress on again.

“I feel I have anxiety inside. I feel scared, too. What if they’d come inside?” she said.

On Wednesday morning, Balbarais says she walked out of her home in La Jolla to take her son to pre-school, but found her 2004 Gold Mercedes Benz was gone, with her wedding dress inside. Someone had also broken into the family’s SUV. 

Balbarais had left the dress in the car because she’d been meaning to take in to get altered before the June 12th wedding, leaving her to question now why she didn’t do it sooner. 

“If I’d just done this, if I’d just done that, then my dress would still be here.” 

Balbarais filed a police report, and says officers told her there’s an 80% recovery rate for stolen cars in San Diego, but it’s not the car she’s most concerned about. The dress maker told her there’s not enough time to order a new one. 

“I can’t even think about having to buy another one right now,” she said. “I almost don’t feel bad about my car, it’s just, I really want my wedding dress.” 

So, she’s hoping someone sees something or the person who stole the dress hears her plea. 

“Can you please return my stuff. Can you please return my wedding dress.” 

The stolen car is a 2004 Gold Mercedes Benz with tan interior and a child’s car seat inside.

Anyone with any information is asked to call San Diego Police.

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