We get it: The unmasked, the crowds, the parking, the smell -- not everyone can get out to the beach to see those amazing bioluminescent waves.
Let's be honest? When you get to the beach, unless you're out in the water, it's really just a pretty thin blue line pretty far offshore.
Now, though, we may have a solution for you: Turns out you can watch the waves from home with a little help from the folks at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Turns out the Pier Cam has an excellent view of the waves starting every night at round 8 p.m. And, unlike, say Sunset Cliffs or walking along the beach in PB, you are out IN the waves. Here's a taste below:
The blue bioluminescence is, of course, a sideshow created by the massive red tide that's been off the coast from Baja California all the way to Los Angeles.
And about that terrible smell: There's only so much remote viewing can do. It depends on how far from shore you live.
Here's a bonus to keep in mind when this pandemic recedes: The Birch Aquarium now has a bioluminescence exhibit called the Infinity Cube, where "[visitors] learn about luminescent organisms, how bioluminescence functions as a form of communication, its chemistry, and the need for protection of bioluminescent bays."