Hiking can bring people together – even, perhaps amazingly, Democrats and Republicans.
Despite disapproval for the travel ban, Trump supporter Scott Herlickman says the president is keeping his campaign promises.
“So far I think he's done a fantastic job,” Herlickman says. “He's keeping his word.”
But Brendan Price, who voted for Clinton, isn’t so sure.
“There's a lot of policy actions that don't seem to be well thought out to the fourth and fifth degree,” he tells NBC 7.
Regardless of their differences, both sides of the aisle are similarly concerned about the economy and terrorism.
“It’s spreading,” Trump supporter Glenn Simpson says of the threat of terrorism. “It needs to be stopped and needs to be taken care of.” Price agrees terrorism needs to be prevented, but doesn’t believe Trump's polices will make the country safer.
“He wants to keep us safe,” Herlickman counters. “And for anybody who has differences in the policies, unfortunately we're going to have our differences."
But even though Herlickman and Simpson support the president’s policies, they don’t deny there have been major protests across the country – most recently after Trump’s executive order banning travel from seven Middle Eastern countries.
“A few people got caught in the middle and that's sad, and I think that will get worked out,” Simpson says.
“He doesn't want to take people's rights away,” Herlickman agrees, “but he does want to protect those that are in this country already."
And though these hikers trek on opposite sides on policy, perhaps they can forge a path together.
“I want to see him do well despite not voting for him but I would like to see more critical thinking," Price says. Herlickman couldn’t agree more.
“We’re all in the same boat. We're all imperfect but you know what I think he's the best guy for the job right now.”