Classmates of a San Diego 18-year-old fighting cancer are hoping to lift his spirits by arranging a meet up with his heroes: the cast of “Captain America.”
Grossmont High School’s ASB club is taking their mission to social media and have shared Ryan Wilcox’s story on Facebook.
In the post, which has been shared nearly 3,000 times since it was posted Tuesday, classmates say Wilcox is a die-hard “Captain America” and “Avengers” fan.
They feel his health would benefit from a visit with Chris Evans, the actor who plays the title role.
“He isn’t doing too well and this would be a major way to boost his spirits and quite frankly be the best moment of his life if he literally got to meet his hero,” the post reads.
The ASB is hoping to the momentum on social media will grab the actors’ attention.
On Friday, the school is having “Captain America Day,” and students will don movie gear in support of Wilcox and in honor of the movie’s release that day.
In a post Thursday, the ASB said it was "close" to arranging a visit from Evans.