San Diego

Golden Takin Born at San Diego Zoo, First Golden Takin Subspecies Born in Western Hemisphere

The adorable female calf born at the zoo is named Mei Ling, meaning "beautiful antelope" in the mandarin language

Golden Takin Born at the San Diego Zoo
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance

Golden Takin Born at the San Diego Zoo is off to a Strong Start
Female calf is the first of its kind born in the Western Hemisphere.

The San Diego Zoo welcomed a female golden takin last month, the first of this takin subspecies to be born in the Western Hemisphere, the zoo announced.

Golden takins are a horned mammal related to sheep and have adapted for life in the high elevation of their native Himalayan Mountain habitat.

The adorable female calf born at the zoo is named Mei Ling, meaning "beautiful antelope" in the mandarin language.

Golden Takin Born at the San Diego Zoo
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance
Golden takin born at the San Diego Zoo.

Th San Diego Zoo is the only place that takins can be seen in the Western Hemisphere. Female takins generally give birth to a single calf in early spring and within days, the young are capable of moving on their own.

Zoo visitors can visit this adorable calf and her mom at the zoo's Asian Passage.

Golden Takin Born at the San Diego Zoo
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance
Golden takin born at the San Diego Zoo with her mom.
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