Ocean Beach

Fundraiser Lets Participants Take Plunge Off Ocean Beach Pier

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NBC Universal, Inc.
The U.S. Navy is investigating the death but said it does not appear to be suicide or foul play.

Avid swimmers who are feeling charitable can take a plunge off the Ocean Beach Pier to help raise funds for the Prevent Drowning Foundation San Diego (PDFSD).

Monday marks the only day of the year it is OK to jump off the beloved pier and swim back to shore as PDFSD joins the San Diego Junior Lifeguards for the initiative. Proceeds made from the fundraiser will be used to fund swim lessons and aquatic safety education in local communities.

Plunging Off OB Pier as Part of Fundraiser
A fundraiser to help make aquatic safety and swimming lessons accessible to local communities is being held by allowing do-gooders to jump off the Ocean Beach Pier.

Those who feel confident in their swimming abilities can jump 20 to 30 feet into the water off the pier, which was fully reopened to the public recently for the first time since 2019. Tickets to participate in the plunge cost $150.

Only the first 100 people for each jump session will be allowed and each participant must be at least 18 years old.

The event will run from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

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