
Escondido Police Department Receives Grant to Fight Alcohol-Related Harm

NBC 7 San Diego


The Escondido Police Department was awarded a grant from the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) to battle alcohol-related harm in the community, it was announced Thursday.

The grant is for $44,920 and it was also awarded to nearly 50 local law enforcement agencies in California through ABC's Alcholol Policing Partnership (APP).

“This is important to the City of Escondido in order to increase protection for youth and to shut down problem locations that have contributed to an increase in crime,” said Chief Ed Varso. 

ABC agents have the expertise in alcoholic beverage laws and can help communities reduce alcohol-related harm, according to EPD.

“The program can improve the quality of life in neighborhoods,” said ABC Director Eric Hirata. “We’ve seen a real difference in the communities where the grant program resources have been invested.”

The APP program was created in 1995 to strengthen partnerships between ABC and local law enforcement agencies.

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