Emerald to Filner: “Enough is Enough”

The City Councilmember flips and joins the chorus of public officials calling for Filner's resignation

San Diego City Councilmember Marti Emerald has reversed her stance on whether the embattled mayor should resign saying Friday “enough is enough.”

Special Report: Mayor Under Fire

The lone holdout on the San Diego City Council released a statement Friday calling for Mayor Bob Filner to resign.

Emerald had remained loyal to Filner despite the growing number of city leaders, Democratic Party leaders, U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators who called for Filner’s resignation after allegations of sexual harassment and unwanted sexual advances surfaced in July.

On July 30, Emerald said Filner should make a connection with God and asks for forgiveness but stopped short of asking him to resign.

On Friday, she joined colleague Myrtle Cole in issuing a statement with a much difference message.

“Based upon the ongoing disclosure of evidence Mayor Filner's conduct is reprehensible and cannot be excused,” the statement read.

“Mr. Filner, without further delay we insist you resign and allow the healing of our city to begin,” the statement said.

Read the full statement here

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