Chula Vista

Efforts Increase to Combat Growing Number of COVID-19 Cases Across South Bay Communities

The San Diego Region Border Unified Command consists of more than a dozen local, state and federal agencies, which will track and respond to any impacts brought on by U.S. citizens crossing into the U.S. from Mexico to seek treatment for COVID-19 or other illnesses

NBCUniversal, Inc.

Efforts are increasing as leaders on both sides of the border work to curb the number of COVID-19 cases.

San Diego County and Tijuana leaders have formed a binational group that's working to track the growing number of COVID-19 cases. The San Diego Regional Border Unified Command is looking into the rising number of cases in the South Bay and Tijuana.

On Tuesday, San Diego County reported 238 confirmed COVID-19 cases in National City. The rise of cases is worrying residents.

“She said she has like trouble breathing, chest pain, she said it was like similar to allergies and she said that she couldn’t breathe or couldn’t taste any food,” said Alyah Carrillo.

Carrillo lives in National City and has not seen her mom who lives in Tijuana in more than two weeks.

“I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one because since we are so close to the border. A lot of people cross every day,” Carrillo said.

On Monday, National City Mayor Alejandra Sotelo-Solis announced efforts to ramp up testing to bring those numbers down.

South Bay communities have been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic, with National City, in particular, experiencing the brunt of the virus.

On Monday, the county reported 235 positive cases in National City, placing its percentage rate of coronavirus cases at 377% for every 100,000 population, according to the office of Sotelo-Solis.

The Tijuana Mayor said the major border city has yet to hit their peak.

“There are various reasons why there’s a higher number of cases here (National City) we have a lot more essential workers, we have the border crossing which is part of the factor," said Denice Garcia.

Garcia is the Director of International Affairs with the City of San Diego, the City is looking into why these cases, particularly across the South Bay, are growing.

The City of San Diego is donating 1,000 3D-printed face shields to Tijuana as well as five ventilators.

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