La Jolla

Fragments of decomposed whale wash ashore in La Jolla

0:00 / 1:24
NBCUniversal Media, LLC

Fragments of a heavily decomposed whale carcass washed ashore near the La Jolla Shores Hotel Wednesday night, a city of San Diego spokesperson confirmed Thursday.

NOAA scientists were called early Thursday to take samples of the whale, Milstein said. After analyzing the whale's skull, researchers were able to confirm the carcass belonged to a gray whale. The species is currently migrating north, NOAA spokesperson Michael Milstein said.

San Diego spokesperson Jose Ysea said the carcass was believed to be about 18 feet. Video from SkyRanger 7 showed separated pieces along the shoreline with onlookers circling to take a peek.

The remains were then cleared from the beach and taken to the landfill, Milstein said.

Two months ago, a thin, 24-foot-long juvenile gray whale washed ashore near the popular Marine Room restaurant located less than a half-mile away from where the carcass washed up Wednesday. That whale was towed away to a UCSD Research Institute.

Back in December of 2023, the carcass of an endangered fin whale washed ashore in San Diego's Pacific Beach. That whale had killer whale bite marks over its body, which may have led to its death, according to NOAA. The 52-foot whale body was towed to sea and tracked by a satellite buoy for research purposes.

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