San Diego

Coast Guard: Whale Spotted in San Diego Bay

A whale wandered into San Diego Bay Monday, popping up close to docked aircraft carriers and sailboats enjoying the sunshine and good weather.

U.S. Coast Guard Petty Officer Joel Guzman confirmed the agency received a number of reports about the whale in the bay at approximately 10:30 a.m.

Newschopper 7 spotted the whale surfacing to get air near the large booms in place near Naval Air Station North Island's Pier K.

Whale sightings so close to shore are uncommon. However, this isn't the first time a whale has been spotted in the bay. 

Whale Spotted in San Diego Bay

In February 2016, a whale was swimming in the water just east of Point Loma. 

Gray whales are in abundance off San Diego’s coastline this time of year, marking the peak in whale watching season.

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