
High-Wind Advisory in San Diego's Mountains, Deserts, With Some Wet Weather Forecast As Well

Temperatures expected to drop 5-15 degrees on Tuesday

0:00 / 1:17
NBCUniversal Media, LLC

Sheena Parveen’s Morning Forecast for Monday, April 11, 2022.

Windy and cloudy conditions on Monday will make for a chilly start to the week for San Diego County, with some parts of the county facing a chance of rain.

Strong winds are forecast for the region, with mountains and deserts expected to be hit in particular with gusts, according to the National Weather Service. NBC 7 Meteorologist Sheena Parveen added that these areas could also see some wet weather late Monday.

“Overnight, we’ll start to see a couple of light showers moving through,” Parveen said. “It doesn’t look like anything heavy.”

Inland valleys could potentially see a bit of that rain, as well, according to Parveen.

The conditions will linger on Tuesday, with temperatures forecast to be 5-15 degrees lower.

The high-wind advisory is expected to become a high-wind warning on Tuesday.

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