San Diego Police Department

Defensive Driving Program Teaches Teens How to Drive Safe

The teen defensive driving program, Be Responsible and Keep Everyone Safe, or B.R.A.K.E.S, returns to Cal-State San Marcos this weekend. NBC 7’s Omari Fleming has more.

The teen defensive driving program, Be Responsible and Keep Everyone Safe, or B.R.A.K.E.S, returns to Cal-State San Marcos this weekend.

B.R.A.K.E. S, a non-profit organization, provides hands-on advanced driver training to teens and their parents.

This organization was founded by racing champion Doug Herbert in honor of his two sons who lost their lives in a tragic car crash in 2008.

"Car crashes are the number-one cause of death among teens across the country, but I never knew that until my sons became part of those statistics," said Herbert. "From that tragedy, we created a mission to prevent injuries and save lives by training teens and their parents to be safer behind the wheel.

This driving program is taught by professional instructors, including current and former members of law enforcement, professional racers, and stunt drivers.

The program teaches teens about, collision avoidance, drop wheel recovery, and includes a distracted driving exercise.

The San Diego Police Department will be there teaching parents and teens the dangers of impaired driving using goggle simulators.

“This is an advanced session, here we put them through skid control, crash avoidance, we put them through a solemn course and teach them not to panic when something happens behind the wheel,” said, John Leese, West Coast Coordinator for the B.R.A.K.E.S, Program.

Teens ages 15-19 and that have a valid driver license or permit are encouraged to register. Classes are free but a $99 refundable deposit is required to secure reservation.

Students who graduate from the" brakes" driving program are 60-percent less likely to experience a crash in the first three years of driving, compared to non-graduate peers, according to one study from the University of North Carolina.

Registration is still available online. For more information, visit their website.

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