Barbershop Prepares for Economy's Reopening, Still Taking Precautions

As the state prepares to reopen Tuesday, Superior Cuts barbershop will still keep COVID precautions in place until final mask requirements are lifted

NBC Universal, Inc.

As businesses prepare for the state’s reopening Tuesday, barbershops like Superior Cuts in Chula Vista will be keeping many COVID guidelines in place come June 15. NBC 7’s Ramon Galindo has more.

California's economy is reopening on Tuesday, June 15. That is when the state's distancing guidelines and tier system will go away. Most covid-related restrictions are being lifted on businesses. Most mask mandates are going away as well, but businesses may still have covid precautions in place.

Barber shops like Superior Cuts in Chula Vista, are anxious to get back to normal, but just because capacity limits are being lifted on June 15, doesn’t mean the barber shop will be operating at full capacity.

“We're still going to make sure that customer health customer safety is a priority. We're not just going to pack out the barber shop and have a lobby full of people,” said AJ Creer, manager of Superior Cuts.

Inside Superior Cuts stations are distanced, and the staff does extensive sanitation. Customers still come in with masks but can take them off during their service.

“Personally I'm vaccinated so I feel pretty safe and a good percentage of people are vaccinated so I feel pretty safe coming back to the shop,” said Rodney Teal, a longtime customer.

Creer says some customers have called to ask if barbers are vaccinated.

Inside Superior Cuts stations are distanced, and the staff does extensive sanitation. Customers still come in with masks but can take them off during their service. (Photo credit: Ramon Galindo/NBC 7)

“Customer safety is number one. I have friends who have lost parents this last year. So I get it,” said Creer.

No one at Superior Cuts was infected with coronavirus and Creer hopes to keep it that way.

When June 15th arrives, California will still require masks for unvaccinated people in indoor settings like businesses, but Creer thinks it will be difficult to know who is vaccinated or not.

“Me personally I wouldn't ask a customer that because, it's not an invasion of privacy, but it’s kind of their own thing,” said Creer.

Creer says that once the final mask requirements are lifted, hopefully he can expand his capacity even more, and feel like things are finally back to normal.

Masks will still be required on planes, trains and buses. Businesses can still require customers to wear masks, or they can ask customers to self-attest that they've had a vaccine.

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