San Diego Humane Society

Baby owl reunited with family after being found during San Diego storm

Veterinarians decided it was best to reunite the owl with its family "ensuring it could grow up in the wild where it belongs"

Picture of a baby great horned owl in a box

A great horned owl nestling was returned to its Bay Park tree after being rescued during last week's powerful storm.

A "compassionate community member" found the baby owl on the ground in the rain and brought it to the San Diego Humane Society's Bahde Wildlife Center Wednesday. The SDHS said the owl underwent an exam and was determined to be uninjured.

Veterinarians decided it was best to reunite the owl with its family "ensuring it could grow up in the wild where it belongs," according to the agency. A team located the family's nest in a Bay Park tree, and the baby owl was successfully renested.

This marks the San Diego Humane Society's first renesting of the season.

Baby great horned owl being fed by veterinary team at Project Wildlife.
The West Coast Arborists team placing the baby owl back with its family in a tree in Bay Park

The SDHS said anyone who encounters a hurt or sick animal to go to their website to figure out next steps.

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