Amid Hot, Dry Weather Officials Prepare for Fire Season

Over the last two years San Diego's seen record breaking heat

Despite El Nino conditions earlier this year, authorities are warning of fire danger this year. NBC 7’s Matt Rascon reports.

Hot, dry weather and a series of brush fires across the county have authorities concerned about fire danger heading into summer.

While the recent El Nino rains have made much of San Diego greener lately, fire officials say that could actually lead to more problems.

All of the extra grass we have across San Diego county will eventually die and turn into fuel for fires as we head into the warmer and drier months Calfire authorities explained. 

Peak fire season begins next month and Calfire is already ramping up their stations by bringing back seasonal firefighters and rehires.

The National Weather Service (NWS) said over the last two years San Diego's seen record breaking heat and 2016 likely will as well.

Since January it's rained less than five inches, which is more than last year around this time but still well below average.

The rain has been spaced out though keeping things a little bit greener for a little bit longer.

“But inevitably come June, July, bone dry...hills, and that brush that is taller than it has been over the past few years, weeds, brush, native stuff, whatever it might be, grasses, that all acts as kind of the conveyor belt to allow the fires to spread,” meteorologist Alex Tardy with NWS told NBC 7.

Officials are saying homeowners should start preparing their houses for fire season now by trimming back brush.

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