A small group of activists rallied outside the Federal Building downtown Sunday, two days before Tax Day.
The rally is one of dozens planned throughout the country in an effort to call on Congress to repeal the Trump Tax bill. According to the Tax March website, the Trump tax will raise taxes for 92 million middle-class families and give tax breaks to millionaires, billionaires and wealthy corporations.
Roughly two dozen people stood outside the Federal Building for an hour, chanting, and asking Congress to repeal the tax.
Valarie McCourtney is a small business owner and activist supporting the Tax Day rallies. “When our society loses our social programs, we all lose,” McCourtney said.
“It may not be you, it’s your mother, your brother, your sister-in-law’s husband’s disabled child – and all of that matters,” McCourtney said.
Most Americans won’t see big changes in their tax returns until 2019.