New Jersey Senator and Democratic presidential hopeful Cory Booker was spotted at the famous San Diego Comic-Con on Friday, and answered a few questions from NBC 7 in between taking pictures with superheroes and testing cool tech gadgets.
Booker explained that he actually has some roots planted in California being a Stanford graduate and having a mother from Los Angeles, and also explained how some of his agenda items are geared toward the folks in the Golden State.
“San Diego is a state where a lot of folks are facing, just, economic issues. Housing issues are really tough here, where people are paying large percentages of their income trying to stay in homes because this economy is not working for the average American, so a lot of my proposals are about economic empowerment, they’re about things that are going to make a difference here -- getting them more money in their pocket, getting more housing opportunities that are more affordable, helping with educational affordability, helping with, frankly, doing things that will help our public schools. So, there’s a lot of things that we talk about that make a big impact on San Diego and I’m really excited to be in this town to talk about it.”
Booker is scheduled to participate in the second day of an upcoming Democratic debate that starts July 30.