San Diego

Study Names San Diego Shortest Commute by Car

San Diego has some of the shortest commute-to-work times by car. NBC 7โ€™s Ashley Matthews reports.

San Diegans are proving that it pays to live in close proximity to work.

A recent study by Geotab explored commuter trends across 20 cities in the United States and it showed San Diego held the top spot for the lowest average commuter time by car, about 26 minutes.

That number makes sense for Belinda Vasquez, who commutes to work just a few miles and is able to take the back roads to San Diego State University.

However, before she got that job at SDSU, she was commuting from the Mission Valley area to UC San Diego, and felt the struggle every single day.

"I had to get up at five in the morning get to the campus, get to the campus at six just to find parking, but on top of that I had to deal with bumper to bumper traffic just to get to campus," said Vasquez.

San Diego did great with commuting by car, but commuting by public transit is a different story.

The average time for that category was 52 minutes in San Diego, much higher than several cities like Minneapolis, Portland and Orlando.

For a full link to the study:

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