San Diego

San Diego to Run Out of 619 Area Code Phone Numbers by 2019

Available 619 phone numbers are expected to run out by March 2019

San Diego will eventually run out of available phone numbers with the 619 area code, prompting the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to offer replacement codes.

Officials said they expect the area code to run out of prefixes by March 2019.

Area code customers using 619 who would like a new number will be assigned an 858 area code starting September 2018, according to the commission. The overlay will allow 619 customers to keep their original numbers and prevent the area from running out of new phone numbers.

Replacing the area code to 858 is called “boundary elimination overlay,” allowing the commission to add new numbers and prefixes for 619 customers, said officials.

Areas served by the 619 area code include the southern portion of the City of San Diego, and the adjacent cities of Chula Vista, Coronado, El Cajon, Imperial Beach, La Mesa, Lemon Grove, National City, Santee and unincorporated areas of San Diego County.

Customers can begin to use this new dialing procedure (1+10 digit dialing) starting in October 2017. This will be mandatory in April 2018.

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