San Diego

San Diegans Donate Clothing to Homeless Veterans for 30th Annual Stand Down Drive

At the annual event, homeless veterans get clothing, food and health care, as well as access to programs to help them get off the streets.

San Diegans supported homeless veterans by donating to a clothing drive Friday, that collected items for next month's 30th annual Stand Down for Homeless Veterans.

It's a three-day program that provides homeless veterans with comprehensive services to help get them off the streets and reintegrated with the community, according to Veterans Village of San Diego.

The veterans also receive shelter, food, clothing, showers, medical, legal, recovery support and other needed services.

Veterans will have a safe haven to put down their burdens and lift themselves up to the possibilities of change, which is often a rarity, according to Veterans Village of San Diego.

This event is made possible each year by the dedication of the San Diego veterans' community, thousands of volunteers, hundreds of partner non-profit and government organizations and numerous event sponsors.

The Stand Down drive will start July 21 and run through July 23 at San Diego High School, said event representatives.

If you missed the opportunity to donate clothes but still wish to help out, you may sign up to volunteer for the event or donate money on their website.

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