San Diego

2 Convicts Abandon Halfway House in Mountain View

NBC 7’s Joe Little heard from some of the facilities neighbors who said they’re a little uneasy knowing two convicted felons are roaming the streets unsupervised.

Two convicted felons walked away from a Mountain View halfway house in a span of ten days and never came back, adding to the long list of reasons why neighbors, including a pastor and his wife, are fed up.

Dalila Santos’ husband is the pastor at Apostolic Assembly right next door to the halfway house. She says they love taking care of the needy people in their community – they frequently distribute fresh produce to neighbors who could use the help—but admits the halfway house at times makes them feel uneasy.

The Core Civic halfway house is a place where former inmates make the transition from prisoners to civilians. Residents are allowed to leave for work but have to come back every day. But in May, two residents never did.

“We feel unsecure at times,” Dalila said. “Who knows where he is at?”

U.S. Marshals are now looking for Marquis Barber, a convicted sex trafficker, and Alan Pina, a convicted drug dealer.

The fugitives will likely be sent back to prison if they're caught, which has some fearing a possible violent altercation if they’re caught in the neighborhood.

Despite the fear invoked by the halfway home’s tenants, Dalila said she and her husband would minister to them. They’re just not allowed to.

“When we have our worshiping services we see them peeking through their windows and they love it,” Dalila said.

NBC 7 reached out to Core Civic but it did not comment on the fugitives or its security procedures.

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