NBC 7 Responds

NBC 7, T20 Work to Recover and Save San Diegans Money

NBC 7 Responds and Telemundo 20 Responde work together to help when communication between our viewers and companies breaks down

NBC Universal, Inc.

When communication breaks down with a company, it can cost you a lot of money, even if you have documents showing you were right. When it feels like no one is listening, our Responds and Responde teams can try to help.

For two recent viewers of NBC 7 and Telemundo 20, our team was able to return or save them more than $10,000.

The Chans planned to celebrate their 11th anniversary by taking a cruise along the Mexican Riviera. But as they were standing in line to board the Carnival Panorama last December, they say they were turned away.

The Chans told us Carnival said their 5-year-old daughter needed a second COVID-19 test, despite the policy saying only children ages four and under needed two tests. They also say there was a 4% cap for unvaccinated passengers, and the ship had already hit that cap.

They said weeks later and after hours on the phone, they still had no answers to their claim. That's when our NBC 7 Responds team got involved. We contacted Carnival Cruise Lines and shortly after the Chans received a cruise credit for more than $1,800.

Carnival did not respond to our request for a statement.

Our T20 Responde team is also staying busy.

Maria Lara reached out after what she describes as an unsatisfactory oral surgery after she got a plate for dental implants.

She says she had a lot of pain and had to return multiple times to the dental office. Eventually, Lara said she moved on before getting the implants and contacted another dentist who corrected the issue.

But Lara said she still got a bill for the implant from Western Dental. She refused to pay it and was sent to collections.

That's when she called T20 Responde. After we reached out, her $8,395 debt was forgiven.

In a statement to T20, Western Dental said:

Western Dental is committed to quality customer service. After careful review, Western Dental has decided to eliminate the remaining balance of Ms. Lara.


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