small businesses

San Diego Business Owner β€˜Cautiously Excited' About New State Reopening Plans

San Diego County officials announced a group of businesses and entities will be able to reopen on Monday, Aug. 31, but with capacity restrictions

NBCUniversal, Inc.

San Diego is among one of nine counties in the state under the red "substantial" tier. Being place in this tier allows certain businesses in a county to partially re-open indoors under strict measures, starting Monday, Aug. 31.

"It's really exciting, but I am cautiously excited because we know at any minute it can change again," said Angele Sele, owner of Angelica B beauty.

On Friday afternoon, brand new state reopening guidance was ushered in and received by San Diego County business owners.

Entrepreneurs like Sele said they hope this time they can re-open and stay open.

"I'm trying to plan for the future, and there's a lot of programs and services I want to launch," Sele said. "Am I supposed to hire people to help me, and in two weeks tell them, 'I can't pay you?' "

The new state guidelines would allow Sele to re-open indoors with strict modifications and a limit on capacity.

"Fortunately, I work in a really safe industry, and that's one thing I'll continue to say, is that not much has changed for us, and for us it's business as usual, and, yes, we have to wear masks and one or two other precautions we need to start doing, but honestly, everything is the same," Sele said.

San Diego County officials broke down which businesses and entities will be able to reopen on Monday with capacity restrictions. For more information on local reopenings, click here.

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