Special Prosecutor to Investigate Vallejo Police Shooting of Willie McCoy

NBC Universal, Inc.

A special prosecutor will oversee the investigation into the Vallejo police shooting of 20-year-old Willie McCoy in 2019.

A special prosecutor will oversee the investigation into the Vallejo police shooting of 20-year-old Willie McCoy in 2019.

McCoy was shot and killed last year in a drive-through lane at a fast food restaurant. Police said McCoy was ordered to keep his hands visible, but he reached for his gun and that’s when six officers opened fire.

But a lawyer for the McCoy family said officers didn’t have an actual plan of action to safely remove McCoy from the car.

The McCoy family is now suing the Vallejo Police Department.

The special prosecutor who will take over the case is Michael Ramos, former District Attorney of San Bernardino County.

The McCoy family’s attorney, John Burris, said he’s a bad choice.

“For me, I don’t see in his long history of being a D.A. where he prosecuted police officers,” Burris said. “So I don’t know if there’s enough of a history to make us, the family, feel comfortable.”

Burris said he is considering asking Solano County’s D.A. to withdraw Ramos’s name.

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