
93% of singles want to be in a successful relationship but say dating is hard, recent survey shows: 4 behaviors that raise ‘red flags'

93% of singles want to be in a successful relationship but say dating is hard, recent survey shows: 4 behaviors that raise ‘red flags’
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93% of singles want to be in a successful relationship but say dating is hard, recent survey shows: 4 behaviors that raise ‘red flags’

Despite the reputation dating apps have of not facilitating long term relationships, most users say a romantic partnership is the goal when using apps like Tinder or Hinge.

More than half of men, 53%, say they want a relationship, according to a 2024 Tinder report. A whopping 68% of women say the same. However, almost all users surveyed — 91% of men and 94% of women — said dating is difficult.

So, what is happening on dates that make those who desire a relationship cut courtships short? App users identified a few red flags that would cause them to not find the other person attractive.

Getting drunk on a first date

Three-in-four singles don't want to get drinks on a first date, according to 2022 Hinge data.

Of those surveyed, 45% said they prefer sober dates because they are prioritizing their mental health and 55% said it helps them get to know the other person better.

What should you do instead? 

Well, 17% of daters on the app would rather meet for coffee. About 11% would rather see a show or go to a museum and 14% would rather go for a walk.

Being 'too into' Instagram

Those who are "too into" Instagram or Snapchat come off as self absorbed, according to Hinge users.

That's why 74% of said don't want to date someone who is constantly using social networking apps. 

While on a date, it's probably best to keep the phone face down. 

Not knowing about politics or social issues

Being in the know about social and political issues is a huge plus for daters, according to Tinder data. 

A whopping 75% of singles were looking for a match who respected or were invested in social issues. 

And almost half, 47%, of singles said that finding out the person they are dating is a non-voter is a "deal breaker." 

This doesn't mean your views have to totally align with those of a potential partner. Only 24% of users said they want to date someone who thinks exactly as they do and 46% said they would date someone who has different political views. 

Bringing up trauma

A vast majority, 93%, of Hinge users prefer to date someone who is emotionally vulnerable, according to the app's data. They care more about this than height or income. 

But, there is a right way to open up and a wrong way. 

The right way is to tell stories that demonstrate your goals and values. Perhaps after a few dates you can get into relationships history, too.

The wrong way is to bring up deep-rooted trauma too early. 

Be authentic, but don't overshare. 

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